DePuy Synthes Trauma Products Featured In The Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma

DePuy Synthes Trauma Products Featured In The Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma

We are hip & femur fracture specialists and we’ve focused on femoral neck fractures.    Today we are pleased to share a case report from JOT highlighting the clinical use of our Femoral Neck System

FNS features clinically meaningful design elements intended to change the standard of care and improve patient outcomes.1 

Click here to read or download New-Generation Femoral Neck Fixation for the Treatment of a Nondisplaced Femoral Neck Fracture in an Elderly Patient.

1: Stoffel K, Zderic I, Gras F, et al. Biomechanical Evaluation of the Femoral Neck System in Unstable Pauwels III Femoral Neck Fractures: A Comparison with the Dynamic Hip Screw and Cannulated Screws Orthop Trauma. 2017. (31): 131-137.