Intended for Healthcare Professionals
Intended for HCPs
CEREGLIDE™ 71 Intermediate Catheter with TruCourse™
Glide to Success1CEREGLIDE™ 71 Intermediate Catheter with TruCourse™ has been engineered based on stroke science to deliver reliable trackability2~ durable delivery5 and versatility while seamlessly integrating into the CERENVOUS Stroke Solutions™.8
CEREGLIDE™ 92 Catheter System with TruCourse™
Featuring INNERGLIDE™ 9 Delivery Aid
EMBOGUARD™ Balloon Guide Catheter
See the Difference. Raising the bar in trackability and providing atraumatic conformability while seamlessly integrating into the most common set ups.1
EMBOTRAP® III Revascularization Device
Prowler® EX Microcatheter
The PROWLER® EX Microcatheter is a variable stiffness, single lumen catheter designed to access small, tortuous vasculature. The catheter has a hydrophilic coating to provide lubricity for navigation of vessels. The inner lumen is lined with lubricious PTFE to facilitate movement of guidewires and other devices.
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