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NEUWAVE™ Microwave Ablation System for Percutaneous Procedures
NEUWAVE™ Microwave Ablation System for Percutaneous Procedures
The NEUWAVE System offers unique features including a versatile probe portfolio with a PR probe to help protect non-target tissue, multi-probe synchrony and CO2 cooling to control the shape, size and burn pattern of your ablations. Ablation Confirmation software helps confirm the technical success of your procedures.
NEUWAVE™ Microwave Ablation System for Surgical Procedures
NEUWAVE™ Microwave Ablation System for Surgical Procedures
The NEUWAVE System supports target ablation or linear coagulation in surgical liver resection procedures. The System offers a versatile probe portfolio, multi-probe synchrony and CO2 cooling to help control the shape, size and burn pattern of your ablations. A surgical mode is available for pre-transection coagulation.
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