• Patient is positioned, prepped, and draped. Access is generally obtained by making an incision in the umbilicus. 
  • Usually, a 12 mm trocar is used to enter the abdomen, and then lower pelvic 5 mm trocars are placed.
  • The appendix is identified and retracted superiorly.
  • An endoscopic stapler, such as ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler, is fired across the base of the appendix and cecum taking care to not leave an appendiceal stump.
  • Once completed, the appendix is placed in a specimen retrieval bag and removed through a 12 mm port.
  • A drain is placed in the right lower quadrant if there are signs of perforation.

  • The appendix is removed in the specimen retrieval bag through the 12 mm trocar site.

Potential complications include but are not limited to:

  • Bleeding requiring reoperation

Note: If reoperation is necessary then an adjunctive hemostat such as SURGICEL SNoW™ or SURGICEL Powder™ might be a good option to control bleeding where primary methods (energy, staples, sutures, or clips) are ineffective or impractical.

  • Surgical site infection (deep or superficial)
  • Fecal fistula
  • Conversion to open appendectomy
  • Need for midline laparotomy
  • Open wound
  • Need for additional tests or procedures


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