• Trocar sites are identified, and trocars inserted to gain access to the abdominal cavity. 
  • Initial Access to the abdomen is generally obtained by either:
    • Veress needle technique.
    • Direct trocar view technique.
  • Explore the abdominal cavity, assessing the liver and peritoneal surfaces.
  • Take down any adhesions.
  • Ensure a complete specimen with intact mesocolic envelope containing all lymph nodes, extract specimen.
  • Identify duodenum.
  • Identify right ureter.
  • Continue mobilization and dissect the hepatic flexure and right transverse colon mesentery by ligating and dividing the right middle colic vessels using an energy device such as ENSEAL™ X1 Curved Jaw Tissue Sealer.
  • Transect distal ileum proximal to the ileocecal valve, using a stapling device, such as PROXIMATE™ Linear Cutters, and ensuring adequate blood supply to the remaining ileum. 
  • Transect the proximal end of the right transverse colon, using a stapling device such as PROXIMATE™ Linear Cutters, and ensure adequate blood supply to the remaining colon by utilizing laser camera and ICG.
  • Generally, a closing tray and new gown and gloves are used to lower surgical site infection.

Potential complications include but are not limited to:

  • Surgical bleeding
  • Staple line Leak
  • Wound infection
  • Ileus
  • Urinary retention

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