• Access to abdomen is generally gained in one of the 3 ways: Veress needle; direct/optical entry and open entry.
  • Anatomic survey is usually performed including pelvic and upper abdomen with particular attention to the course of the pelvic ureters.
  • If necessary, adhesiolysis is performed.

NOTE: to prevent bleeding it may be helpful to divide round ligament at midpoint.

  • If fallopian tubes are being removed (conserving ovaries), the mesosalpinx is ligated and divided.
  • If ovaries and fallopian tubes are being conserved, isthmus of fallopian tubes and utero-ovarian ligaments are ligated and divided.
  • If ovaries and fallopian tubes are being removed, infundibulopelvic (IP) ligaments are ligated and divided using an energy device such as HARMONIC™ 1100 or Enseal™ X1.
  • Broad ligament is incised until uterus reached using an energy device such as HARMONIC™ 1100 or Enseal™ X1.
  • Anterior and posterior leaf of broad ligament is separated and incised to skeletonize uterine vessel and lateralize ureters using an energy device such as HARMONIC™ 1100 or Enseal™ X1.
  • Vesicouterine peritoneum is incised and bladder dissected away from uterus, cervix and upper vagina (creating the bladder flap) using laparoscopic scissors.
  • Cardinal and uterosacral ligaments are divided.
  • Uterus is extracted trans-vaginally.