• Following the induction of general anesthesia the patient is rotated into a right lateral decubitus position with the patient’s lowest ribs positioned at the table flex point.
  • The table is flexed and the kidney rest is elevated to better expose the left flank.
  • An axillary roll is placed and the arms bent 90 degrees at the elbow.
  • The patient is secured in this position with tape or a bean bag.
  • Prior to rotating the patient into decubitus position, a Foley catheter, OG (oral-gastric) tube, and venous compression boots are placed. 
Room Setup Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
  • The surgeon and assistant stand on the right side of the table. The scrub nurse is positioned on the left side.  Monitors are present on both sides. 
Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy Port Placement
  • Entry is gained 1 cm inferior to the left costal margin, just to the left of the xyphoid.  This can be obtained via optical entry with a trocar, such as ENDOPATH XCEL™ Trocars with Optiview Technology or direct cutdown (Hassan technique).
  • Following insufflation and insertion of a 30-degree laparoscope two 12 mm ports are placed in the left abdomen, and a 5mm port in the left flank.