patient positioning diagram sleeve gastrectomy

Common Patient Positioning:

  • Typically, the patient is placed in the supine position with arms out laterally.
  • Once ports have been inserted, patient is placed in Trendelenburg position.  
  • The surgeon is usually on the patient’s right side and assistant is opposite. 
  • Generally, care must be taken with positioning the upper extremities of a patient suffering from morbid obesity as they could be at risk for nerve injury due to their higher BMI.
port placement sleeve gastrectomy
  • C- Camera
  • SR/SL- Operating Trocars- Surgeon Right Hand (SR) and Left Hand (SL)
  • A- Assistant Trocars (A1, A2)
  • L- Liver Retractor

One trocar site will typically be a 15mm Trocar for extraction of resected stomach.

port placement sleeve gastrectomy
  • C- Camera
  • SR/SL- Operating Trocars- Surgeon Right Hand (SR) and Left Hand (SL)
  • A- Assistant Trocars (A1, A2)
  • L- Liver Retractor

One trocar site will typically be a 15mm Trocar for extraction of resected stomach.

port placement sleeve gastrectomy
  • C- Camera
  • SR/SL- Operating Trocars- Surgeon Right Hand (SR) and Left Hand (SL)
  • A- Assistant Trocars (A1, A2)
  • L- Liver Retractor

One trocar site will typically be a 15mm Trocar for extraction of resected stomach.