• A supine position with the arms tucked at the patient's sides, for patients with midline hernias.
  • A lateral decubitus or modified lateral decubitus position, for hernias of the flanks or posterior abdominal wall.
port placement ventral hernia surgery
  • The location of initial abdominal access (primary port placement) for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair is typically as far from the hernia defect and prior laparotomy incisions as possible.  
  • A Veress needle, open Hasson technique, or optical trocar entry may all be used for primary port placement. The specific technique used should be primarily based on the surgeon’s experience and outcomes with the technique and take into consideration the patient’s surgical history and anatomy.
  • Secondary port placement is generally performed under direct vision and placed as lateral from the hernia defect as possible to allow the surgeon to work in an ergonomically favorable position. 
room setup ventral hernia surgery