• A Foley catheter is placed.
  • Abdominal wall incision is made, layers of the abdomen are identified and opened, and after the incision is made self-retaining retractors are placed.
  • The Uterus is injected with dilute vasopressin to minimize uterine bleeding.
  • The myometrium is coagulated and cut until the fibroid is reached.
  • Progressing deeper into the myoma the surgeon identifies the plane between the fibroid and the myometrium by bluntly dissecting with the surgeon’s finger or knife. 
  • Applying traction with claps, the myoma can be extracted. 
  • It is Important to control bleeding and obliterate dead space using topical absorbable hemostats such as Surgicel SNoW and sutures. 
  • Irrigating the uterus and pelvis in suctioning the fluid to check for bleeding prior to closing the abdominal wall.