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Aortobifemoral bypass by Sagar S. Gandhi, MD
Authored by
Sagar S. Gandhi, MD
Authored by
Sagar S. Gandhi, MD
Aortobifemoral bypass by Sagar S. Gandhi, MD
Procedure Overview
Procedure Overview
Aortobifemoral bypass is a surgical procedure that is performed in patients with aortoiliac occlusive disease. Most patients who undergo this procedure have symptoms of claudication, impotence, or non-healing wounds. It can also be performed for aneurysmal disease which involves not only the infrarenal aorta but also the iliac arteries.
- Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta or iliac arteries
- Severe claudication
- Impotence
- Nonhealing ulcers in the lower extremities
- Critical limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI)
- Aortic aneurysms involving the iliac arteries for which aortoiliac bypass cannot be safely performed.
- Acute abdominal aortic occlusion
Authored by
Sagar S. Gandhi, MD