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Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction
Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction
Procedure Overview
Procedure Overview
Dr. Ivan Wong describes how to treat recurrent shoulder instability with an arthroscopic technique using DePuy Synthes’ LATARJET EXPERIENCE System with distal tibial allograft.
The Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction using Distal Tibial Allograft Technique is a reconstruction method that assists in the recreation of the glenoid surface and aids in the preservation of the coracoid and subscapularis tendon and repair of the capsulolabral complex. It also addresses bone loss issues that can lead to repair failures that other soft tissue treatments may not address.
Adding this technique to your surgical arsenal will allow you to offer a broader range of customized treatment options to your shoulder instability patients.
Clinical Advantages
The Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction technique has some distinct differences over traditional shoulder instability treatments including:
- Preservation of anatomy (Coracoid, Subscapularis, Pectoralis Minor)
- Intended to be less technical and more efficient than traditional Latarjet
- Using a distal tibia allograft provides smooth, less abrasive cartilage with better contour.
- Spares the capsule and labrum
- Easier conversion if a larger than expected bone loss is found