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Lower Trapezius Transfer
Lower Trapezius Transfer
Procedure Overview
Procedure Overview
Management of irreparable posterior and posterosuperior rotator cuff tears is very challenging, particularly in younger or higher demand patients. Suggested treatment options include partial rotator cuff repair, superior capsular reconstruction, and reverse shoulder arthroplasty. However, those procedures may not be optimal for patients who have significant external rotation strength deficits and minimal glenohumeral arthritis.
This procedure provides surgeons with additional treatment options and should be included in a surgeon’s armamentarium for the management of complex rotator cuff pathology.
Additional Advantages
- It is a straightforward transfer that is arthroscopically assisted
- The line of pull of the lower trapezius more closely mimics the infraspinatus tendon so there is better restoration of shoulder biomechanics
- The trapezius muscle normally contracts during shoulder external rotation so post-operative training is easier
- Partial subscapularis tear is not a contraindication