AO Foundation is a 3rd party medically guided, not-for-profit organization led by an international group of surgeons specialized in the treatment of trauma and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

diagram of patient in a supine position with knee flexed 90 degrees
  • Supine position with knee flexed 90° is a useful position for knee replacement surgery
  • Place the opposite leg supine on the operating table to allow easier access for the image intensifier. 

  • Ensure that soft tissues, skin pressure points, and the subcutaneous nerves (ulnar nerve at the elbows and peroneal nerve of the opposite knee) are well protected. 

  • Adjust the operating table to the appropriate height and place the image intensifier on the opposite side of the injury, approaching the knee from the medial aspect. 

  • Before preparing and draping, ensure adequate imaging of the femur from the hip joint to the knee in the AP and lateral views.

diagram of patient in supine position with knee flexed 90 degrees
  • Disinfect the whole leg from the hip including the foot with the appropriate antiseptic
diagram of patient in supine position with knee flexed 90 degrees draped in u-drape
  • Drape the limb with a single-use U-drape. A stockinette covers the lower leg and is fixed with tape. 

  • Drape the leg to allow it to be freely moved. 

  • Flex the knee to 90° over a bolster. 

  • Drape the image intensifier. 

overhead diagram of operating room setup for ATTUNE™ Knee System arthroplasty procedure
  • The surgeon and ORP stand on the side of the affected limb. The assistant usually stands on the opposite side to the surgeon and moves out of the way when the image intensifier is positioned. 

  • When needed, the image intensifier is placed on the opposite side of the injury and the display screen in full view of the surgical team and the radiographer. 

AO Foundation is a 3rd party medically guided, not-for-profit organization led by an international group of surgeons specialized in the treatment of trauma and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.