Consume Less. Impact More.


Education & Training

Dedicated Service Goes Beyond Reprocessing

One person deciding to begin single-use medical device reprocessing does not make a program successful. Your facility contains hundreds of decision makers, and each person involved decides whether to order, to use, collect or discard each and every device. We provide ongoing training, education and support to make reprocessing easy and to help your staff make the right decision. 

We can provide information on a variety of topics to help you introduce, develop and grow your reprocessing program. 

For more information, contact your Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc. representative. You can also contact Customer Service 888.541.0078.

Case Study

CareAdvantage from the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies (JJMDC) helps large health system revitalize device reprocessing program to drive substantial savings and waste reduction.

IFU Library and Symbols Glossary

Access IFUs for reprocessed devices by Sterilmed here. When on the e-IFU page, select the Sterilmed icon from the Company list and then select the Product Family to view IFUs.

Access the Sterilmed Symbols Glossary here