Advanced Surgical Healing in Orthopaedic Surgery Advanced Surgical Healing in Orthopaedic Surgery Choose STRATAFIX™ Knotless Tissue Control Devices and DERMABOND™ PRINEO™ Closure System.1 Request Trial Orthopaedic Learn as One Microlectures Series Video 1 of 8 Now Playing Orthopaedics Learn as One Microlectures: Module One: Optimising Post-Op Care to Address Today & Tomorrows Challenges 06:20 Now Playing Orthopaedics Microlecture: Module Two: Wound Management: Prolonged Wound Drainage & Infection 02:43 Now Playing Orthopaedics Microlecture: Module Three: Standard of Care: Fascia Closure. Trade-Offs & Optimisation 02:18 Now Playing Orthopaedics Microlectures: Module Four: Standard of Care: Skin Closure. Trade-Offs & Optimisation 03:45 Now Playing Orthopaedics Microlectures: Module Five: Suturing Techniques: Polymers & Techniques. Trade-Offs & Optimisation 02:06 Now Playing Orthopaedics Microlectures: Module Six: Total Knee Replacement: Wound Closure Goals 05:17 Now Playing Orthopaedics Microlectures: Module Seven: Total Hip Replacement: Wound Closure Goals 02:11 Now Playing Orthopaedics Microlectures: Module Eight: Clinical Pearls. Adopting STRATAFIX & DERMABOND PRINEO into Practice 09:14